Package org.sourceforge.jemm.client

Interface Summary
FieldFilter Used with a FieldIterator to say with a field should be returned or not by the Iterator.
ObjectDatabase An ObjectDatabase is similar to a Database but instead of working with Field values it works on the constructed Objects.
ObjectSource A place from which objects can be retrieved via their ID.

Class Summary
AlwaysRefreshObjectDatabase An ObjectDatabase delegate that calls getRefreshedObject when getObject is called.
ClassHierarchyIterator Transverses a Class and its parent classes that are either abstract or concrete, but skips Object as the final parent.
ClassMetadata Extracts meta data structure out of a JEMMObject.
DatabaseAdapter An Adapter that maps the ObjectState fields onto actual objects, which are created and stores the objects it creates into a memory sensitive cache.
DelegatingDatabase A database implementation that passes through all calls onto the database given in the constructor.
DelegatingObjectDatabase An ObjectDatabase implementation that delegates all its calls to the ObjectDatabase passed into the constructor.
Descriptor A descriptor is a method signature that has the following format: className#methodName() Where: methodName - The name of the originating method.
Entity An Entity is a JEMMObject representation that allows low level access to the fields, methods and constructors.
FieldIterator An Iterator that iterates all fields on a class, including all the parent classes.
FieldKey The unique key that identifies a field from a particular class.
JEMMObjectFieldMapper A Factory that converts and sets fields onto
JEMMObjectFilter A Filter which checks for fields that are JEMMObjects only.
LifecycleListenerImpl A lifecycle listener which manages the state of the JEMMObject, such as the object values, the JEMM ID and the ShadowObject.
MethodContextTracker A MethodListener which converts the calls into more context aware calls.
ObjectAccessor Accesses a JEMMObject enhanced class and provides access to the special fields for common client functionality.
ObjectOperationsFacade The main entry point for all JEMMObject operations once they have been decoded from the events.
RegistrationCache An ObjectDatabase which caches calls to register and classinfo since they are effectively static for the lifetime of the client.
SynchronousLockDecorator An ObjectDatabase implementation that converts acquireLock calls into synchronous calls that wait for the lock to be acquired.
TrackingDatabase This Database implementation tracks maps any ids from the delegated database into singleton tracked ids (i.e.

Exception Summary

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