Class ObjectAccessor

  extended by org.sourceforge.jemm.client.ObjectAccessor

public class ObjectAccessor
extends java.lang.Object

Accesses a JEMMObject enhanced class and provides access to the special fields for common client functionality.

Paul Keeble

Field Summary
Constructor Summary
ObjectAccessor(JEMMObject obj, ObjectSource database)
          Creates an Accessor to an enhanced object
Method Summary
 void create(ID id, MethodListener ml)
          When an object is first created an ID and ShadowUserObject need to be assigned.
 void finaliseAllFields()
 void finaliseField(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass, java.lang.String fieldName)
          Clears an Objects field by setting it to null.
 void finaliseField(java.lang.reflect.Field f)
 java.util.Map<FieldInfo,java.lang.Object> getAllFieldsMap()
          Generates a Map of all the keys and values for all fields associated with this object.
 java.lang.Object getField(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass, java.lang.String name)
          Gets the field value for the object.
 java.util.Map<FieldKey,JEMMObject> getInitialisedObjectFields()
          Returns the objects referred to by JEMMObject fields that are currently initialised.
 java.util.Map<FieldKey,ID> getUninitialisedObjectFields()
          Returns all JEMMObject fields that are uninitialised and their current value.
 void initialiseAllFields(Descriptor methodDescriptor)
 void initialiseField(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass, java.lang.String fieldName)
 void initialiseField(java.lang.String declaringClass, java.lang.String fieldName)
          Initialises a JEMMObjects field to a real value.
 boolean isCreated()
 boolean isInitialised(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass, java.lang.String fieldName)
 void setField(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the field to a value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ObjectAccessor(JEMMObject obj,
                      ObjectSource database)
Creates an Accessor to an enhanced object

obj - The enhanced Object
Method Detail


public void create(ID id,
                   MethodListener ml)
When an object is first created an ID and ShadowUserObject need to be assigned. This method does the creation steps to get the obejct ready for JEMM tracking.


public boolean isCreated()


public void setField(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass,
                     java.lang.String name,
                     java.lang.Object value)
Sets the field to a value. If the field is a primitive then the value is set on the object, otherwise if its an JEMMObject then it is mapped in the ShadowData as the ID of the object.

name - The fields name
value - The value to set the field to.


public java.lang.Object getField(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass,
                                 java.lang.String name)
Gets the field value for the object. If the field is a primitive then the value is retrieved from the JEMMObject. Otherwise if it is a JEMMObject then the ID is returned.

declaringClass - The class on which the field is found
name - The field name
database - The ObjectDatabase to retrieve the field from
A primitive object wrapper or ID


public void initialiseField(java.lang.String declaringClass,
                            java.lang.String fieldName)
Initialises a JEMMObjects field to a real value. If the field is an object then the ID is collected from the ShadowData, the object is retrieved from the Object database and then set onto the object. If the field is an array or primitive the field will be untouched.

declaringClass - The class which delcared the field
fieldName - The name of the field to set
database - The place to retrieve the Object from


public void initialiseField(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass,
                            java.lang.String fieldName)


public boolean isInitialised(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass,
                             java.lang.String fieldName)


public void initialiseAllFields(Descriptor methodDescriptor)


public void finaliseField(java.lang.Class<?> declaringClass,
                          java.lang.String fieldName)
Clears an Objects field by setting it to null. Only works on fields which are Objects, any primtives/array will simply be left alone.

name - The field name


public void finaliseField(java.lang.reflect.Field f)


public void finaliseAllFields()


public java.util.Map<FieldInfo,java.lang.Object> getAllFieldsMap()
Generates a Map of all the keys and values for all fields associated with this object. The values are either the actual primitive values or the ID of the object referenced, the Object is never retrieved.



public java.util.Map<FieldKey,ID> getUninitialisedObjectFields()
Returns all JEMMObject fields that are uninitialised and their current value. The value is either a valid ID or null if the field contains no mapping.

Mapping of Field information to ID or null if no mapping exists


public java.util.Map<FieldKey,JEMMObject> getInitialisedObjectFields()
Returns the objects referred to by JEMMObject fields that are currently initialised.

Mapping of Field to JEMMObject or null if no mapping exists

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