Class ObjectOperationsFacade

  extended by org.sourceforge.jemm.client.ObjectOperationsFacade
All Implemented Interfaces:
LockContextListener, MethodContextListener

public class ObjectOperationsFacade
extends java.lang.Object
implements MethodContextListener, LockContextListener

The main entry point for all JEMMObject operations once they have been decoded from the events.


Constructor Summary
ObjectOperationsFacade(ObjectDatabase db)
Method Summary
 void acquire(LockEvent e)
          Acquires the lock for an object
 void entityEntered(EntityEvent e)
          Called when an entity is entered and no other threads are using the entity.
 void entityExited(EntityEvent e)
          Finalize the object state completely and synchronize to the database.
 void methodEntered(MethodEvent m)
          Initialise the objects used by the method.
 void methodExited(MethodEvent m)
          Synchronize the state to the database.
 void release(LockEvent e)
          Release the lock for an object
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ObjectOperationsFacade(ObjectDatabase db)
Method Detail


public void entityEntered(EntityEvent e)
Description copied from interface: MethodContextListener
Called when an entity is entered and no other threads are using the entity.

Specified by:
entityEntered in interface MethodContextListener


public void entityExited(EntityEvent e)
Finalize the object state completely and synchronize to the database.

Specified by:
entityExited in interface MethodContextListener


public void methodEntered(MethodEvent m)
Initialise the objects used by the method.

Specified by:
methodEntered in interface MethodContextListener


public void methodExited(MethodEvent m)
Synchronize the state to the database.

Specified by:
methodExited in interface MethodContextListener


public void acquire(LockEvent e)
Acquires the lock for an object

Specified by:
acquire in interface LockContextListener


public void release(LockEvent e)
Release the lock for an object

Specified by:
release in interface LockContextListener

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