Package org.sourceforge.jemm

Interface Summary
Store Main interface into the JEMM storage mechanism providing access to the root object.

Class Summary
AbstractStore Internal base class for implementing stores.
ClassWeaver A command line utility to execute the Class compiler and enhance with JEMM bytecode.
ClassWeaver.VerboseTransformer Debugging transformer, prints the name of the class passed for loading..
JemmServer JemmServer represents a remote JEMM Server for clients to connect to and share data.
MemoryStore A MemoryStore uses a MemoryDatabase to store object data in the local JVM heap but using the JEMM model of auto updated values.
PersistentStore A PersistentStore uses a BDbDatabase to a local persistent database.
RemoteStore A PersistentStore uses a BDbDatabase to a local persistent database.
WeaverStatus If the Class Transformation Weaver is running it provides status information through this class.

Exception Summary
BaseException The base of all JEMM exceptions.
JEMMInternalException This exception is used when the JEMM subsystem suffers from an internal error.

Annotation Types Summary
Entity Marks a Class as needing enhancement by Jemm.

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