Uses of Interface

Packages that use JEMMObject

Uses of JEMMObject in org.sourceforge.jemm.client

Methods in org.sourceforge.jemm.client that return JEMMObject
 JEMMObject JEMMObjectFieldMapper.create(GetObjectResp resp, ClassInfo ci)
          Creates a new JEMMObject from the response along with introduced Tracked IDs.
 JEMMObject JEMMObjectCreatorImpl.createObject(GetObjectResp resp, ClassInfo classInfo)
 JEMMObject JEMMObjectCreator.createObject(GetObjectResp resp, ClassInfo classInfo)
protected abstract  JEMMObject JEMMObjectFactory.createValue(ID id)
 JEMMObject ObjectDatabase.getObject(ID jemmId)
          Retrieves an object's information from the database or a local cache if the object has already been retrieved and still in memory.
 JEMMObject DelegatingObjectDatabase.getObject(ID jemmId)
 JEMMObject DatabaseAdapter.getObject(ID jemmId)
          Looks up the Object with ID jemmId and converts from the underlying Delegate database into the actual JEMMObject from the response data.
 JEMMObject AlwaysRefreshObjectDatabase.getObject(ID jemmId)
 JEMMObject ObjectDatabase.getRefreshedObject(ID jemmId)
          Retrieves an object's information from the database but always calls the underlying database, updating the cache.
 JEMMObject DelegatingObjectDatabase.getRefreshedObject(ID jemmId)
 JEMMObject DatabaseAdapter.getRefreshedObject(ID jemmId)
 JEMMObject ObjectDatabase.getRoot(java.lang.String rootName)
          Returns the object stored in the persistent root called 'rootName'
 JEMMObject DelegatingObjectDatabase.getRoot(java.lang.String rootName)
 JEMMObject DatabaseAdapter.getRoot(java.lang.String rootName)
 JEMMObject ObjectDatabase.setRootIfNull(java.lang.String rootName, JEMMObject newValue)
          Sets the persistent root reference to the given object, if the root is currently null.
 JEMMObject DelegatingObjectDatabase.setRootIfNull(java.lang.String rootName, JEMMObject newValue)
 JEMMObject DatabaseAdapter.setRootIfNull(java.lang.String rootName, JEMMObject newValue)

Methods in org.sourceforge.jemm.client that return types with arguments of type JEMMObject
 java.util.Map<FieldKey,JEMMObject> ObjectAccessor.getInitialisedObjectFields()
          Returns the objects referred to by JEMMObject fields that are currently initialised.

Methods in org.sourceforge.jemm.client with parameters of type JEMMObject
 ObjectSyncData JEMMObjectFieldMapper.getSyncData(JEMMObject jo)
          Gets the Synchronisation data from a JEMMObject.
 ObjectSyncData JEMMObjectCreatorImpl.getSyncData(JEMMObject jo)
 ObjectSyncData JEMMObjectCreator.getSyncData(JEMMObject jo)
 void JEMMObjectCreatorImpl.initialise(JEMMObject origin)
 void JEMMObjectCreator.initialise(JEMMObject origin)
 ID ObjectDatabase.newObject(ClassId classId, JEMMObject obj)
          Notification of a new user object creation by the client.
 ID DelegatingObjectDatabase.newObject(ClassId classId, JEMMObject obj)
 ID DatabaseAdapter.newObject(ClassId classId, JEMMObject target)
 TypeResponse<?> TypeRequestHandler.processTypeRequest(JEMMObject jemmObject, ClassId classId, TypeRequest<?> request)
 TypeResponse<?> DelegatingObjectDatabase.processTypeRequest(JEMMObject jemmObject, ClassId classId, TypeRequest<?> request)
 TypeResponse<?> DatabaseAdapter.processTypeRequest(JEMMObject obj, ClassId classId, TypeRequest<?> request)
 void ObjectDatabase.refreshObject(JEMMObject obj)
          Retrieves the fields of the object again from the store and updates the passed object with all the values.
 void DelegatingObjectDatabase.refreshObject(JEMMObject obj)
 void DatabaseAdapter.refreshObject(JEMMObject obj)
          Refreshes an objects state by: - Retrieving the object again from the database and setting all primitives to the new values - setting all uninitialised Object fields to the new values - For initialised fields that are objects either: *) Matches the ID return from step 1 and refresh the object recursively *) Does not match the ID, the new object is retrieved and set as the value.
 void JEMMObjectCreatorImpl.refreshPrimitiveState(JEMMObject obj, GetObjectResp response)
 void JEMMObjectCreator.refreshPrimitiveState(JEMMObject obj, GetObjectResp response)
 void JEMMObjectFieldMapper.refreshPrimitiveState(JEMMObject jo, ObjectState state)
          Updates all the primitive values and uninitialised fields on a JEMMObject.
 void ObjectDatabase.setRoot(java.lang.String rootName, JEMMObject newValue)
          Set the persistent root reference to the given object.
 void DelegatingObjectDatabase.setRoot(java.lang.String rootName, JEMMObject newValue)
 void DatabaseAdapter.setRoot(java.lang.String rootName, JEMMObject newValue)
 JEMMObject ObjectDatabase.setRootIfNull(java.lang.String rootName, JEMMObject newValue)
          Sets the persistent root reference to the given object, if the root is currently null.
 JEMMObject DelegatingObjectDatabase.setRootIfNull(java.lang.String rootName, JEMMObject newValue)
 JEMMObject DatabaseAdapter.setRootIfNull(java.lang.String rootName, JEMMObject newValue)
 void ObjectDatabase.synchroniseObject(JEMMObject syncObject)
          Synchronise a client held object with the server.
 void DelegatingObjectDatabase.synchroniseObject(JEMMObject syncData)
 void DatabaseAdapter.synchroniseObject(JEMMObject jo)
          Takes all the data from the syncData object and creates an ObjectSyncData packet which is then passed to the delegated Database.
 java.util.Map<FieldInfo,ID> JEMMObjectFieldMapper.syncResponseUpdateObject(JEMMObject jo, ObjectSyncResp response)
          Updates the object with new meta and FieldData from the response.
 void JEMMObjectCreatorImpl.syncResponseUpdateObject(JEMMObject jo, ObjectSyncResp response)
 void JEMMObjectCreator.syncResponseUpdateObject(JEMMObject jo, ObjectSyncResp response)

Constructors in org.sourceforge.jemm.client with parameters of type JEMMObject
ClassMetadata(JEMMObject obj)
Entity(JEMMObject obj)
ObjectAccessor(JEMMObject obj, ObjectSource database)
          Creates an Accessor to an enhanced object

Uses of JEMMObject in org.sourceforge.jemm.collections

Classes in org.sourceforge.jemm.collections that implement JEMMObject
 class JemmAtomicInteger
 class JemmList<K>
          Jemm List implementation.
 class JemmMap<K,V>
          JemmMap is a map implementation designed for use with the JEMM architecture.
 class JemmSet<E>
          Persistent set implementation.

Uses of JEMMObject in org.sourceforge.jemm.lifecycle

Fields in org.sourceforge.jemm.lifecycle declared as JEMMObject
protected  JEMMObject LifecycleEvent.origin

Methods in org.sourceforge.jemm.lifecycle that return JEMMObject
 JEMMObject LifecycleEvent.getOrigin()
 JEMMObject ShadowUserObjectImpl.getUserObject()
 JEMMObject ShadowTypeObjectImpl.getUserObject()
 JEMMObject ShadowObject.getUserObject()
          Returns the JEMMObject user object that this ShadowObject related too.

Methods in org.sourceforge.jemm.lifecycle with parameters of type JEMMObject
static void ConstructorLifecycle.beginConstructor(JEMMObject source)
          triggers the event for begin.
static void ConstructorLifecycle.endConstructor(JEMMObject source)
          Triggers the end event.
static void ConstructorLifecycle.failedConstructor(JEMMObject source)
          Triggers the failed construction event.
 void ShadowUserObjectImpl.setUserObject(JEMMObject newObject)

Constructors in org.sourceforge.jemm.lifecycle with parameters of type JEMMObject
ConstructorEvent(JEMMObject origin)
LifecycleEvent(JEMMObject origin)
LockEvent(JEMMObject source, java.lang.Object lock)
MethodEvent(JEMMObject origin, java.lang.String descriptor, MethodType type)
ShadowUserObjectImpl(JEMMObject object, MethodListener l, ID id, int version)

Uses of JEMMObject in org.sourceforge.jemm.sample.demo1.model

Classes in org.sourceforge.jemm.sample.demo1.model that implement JEMMObject
 class Account
 class Person
 class SavingsAccount
          A Savings account owned by Person (extension of basic Account to include interest handling.).

Uses of JEMMObject in org.sourceforge.jemm.util

Classes in org.sourceforge.jemm.util that implement JEMMObject
 class JEMMType
          Interface to mark JEMM types.

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