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Packages that use FieldKey

Uses of FieldKey in org.sourceforge.jemm.client

Methods in org.sourceforge.jemm.client that return types with arguments of type FieldKey
 java.util.Map<FieldKey,JEMMObject> ObjectAccessor.getInitialisedObjectFields()
          Returns the objects referred to by JEMMObject fields that are currently initialised.
 java.util.Map<FieldKey,ID> ObjectAccessor.getUninitialisedObjectFields()
          Returns all JEMMObject fields that are uninitialised and their current value.

Methods in org.sourceforge.jemm.client with parameters of type FieldKey
 java.lang.Object Entity.getField(FieldKey fkey)
          Gets the field as it is on the JEMMObject, without consulting the ShadowMap
 FieldType Entity.getFieldType(FieldKey fKey)
          Determines the Type of a field.
 void Entity.setField(FieldKey fkey, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the field on the JEMMObject, without changing the ShadowMap.

Uses of FieldKey in org.sourceforge.jemm.client.types

Methods in org.sourceforge.jemm.client.types with parameters of type FieldKey
 FieldAccessor FieldTypeAccessorChooser.create(FieldKey fieldKey)
 FieldAccessor FieldAccessorChooser.create(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Gets a FieldAccessor for a particular field which will access a particular entity.
 void PrimitiveAccessor.finalize(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Ignored in this implementation, primitives do not need finalizing
 void JEMMObjectAccessor.finalize(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Takes the field from the Entity stored in the attribute of the object and moves the value into the ShadowData.
 void FieldAccessor.finalize(FieldKey fieldKey)
          undoes any temporary storage of a field against an object for the purposes of running users code so that final values can be stored and serialized.
 java.lang.Object PrimitiveAccessor.getField(FieldKey fieldKey)
 java.lang.Object JEMMObjectAccessor.getField(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Retrieves a JEMMObject either by looking it up via the ObjectSource or from the field itself on the Entity depending on which state the field is in.
 java.lang.Object FieldAccessor.getField(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Retrieves a Field from the Entity, and converts IDs to Objects using the passed database if need be.
 java.lang.Object PrimitiveAccessor.getFieldRaw(FieldKey fieldKey)
 java.lang.Object JEMMObjectAccessor.getFieldRaw(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Returns the ID for the object.
 java.lang.Object FieldAccessor.getFieldRaw(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Gets a field as it is stored in the object, without enhancing in any way.
 void PrimitiveAccessor.initialise(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Ignored in this implementation, primitives do not need initialising
 void JEMMObjectAccessor.initialise(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Gets the id from the ShadowData and retrieves the object associated with the ID and puts the value into the attribute of the entity.
 void FieldAccessor.initialise(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Initialises a field on the entity before a method runs to be ready for user code to run.
 boolean JEMMObjectAccessor.isFinalized(FieldKey fieldKey)
 boolean JEMMObjectAccessor.isInitialised(FieldKey fieldKey)
 void PrimitiveAccessor.setField(FieldKey fieldKey, java.lang.Object newValue)
 void JEMMObjectAccessor.setField(FieldKey fieldKey, java.lang.Object newValue)
          One of the 4 possible states can happen when setting a field: Object Type - Field State JEMMObject - Initialised - Puts newValue into the Entity field JEMMObject - Finalized - Extracts ID from newValue and stores in ShadowData ID - Initialized - Retrieves object from ObjectSource and sets on Entity Field ID - Finalized - Sets the ID into the ShadowData
 void FieldAccessor.setField(FieldKey fieldKey, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Puts a field onto the underlying object in the appropriate way, and may change the stored value in some way such that getRawField returns an ID instead of the original Object passed in.

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