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1   package org.sourceforge.jemm.client;
3   import org.sourceforge.jemm.database.ClassId;
4   import org.sourceforge.jemm.database.ClassInfo;
5   import org.sourceforge.jemm.database.ClientId;
6   import org.sourceforge.jemm.database.ClientThreadId;
7   import org.sourceforge.jemm.database.EnumId;
8   import org.sourceforge.jemm.database.EnumInfo;
9   import org.sourceforge.jemm.database.LockAcquiredListener;
10  import org.sourceforge.jemm.database.StructureModifiedException;
11  import org.sourceforge.jemm.types.ID;
12  import org.sourceforge.jemm.util.JEMMObject;
14  /**
15   * An ObjectDatabase is similar to a Database but instead of working with 
16   * Field values it works on the constructed Objects. This is only used Internally
17   * by the client for a number of pieces of functionality that benefit from
18   * pre-created objects such as reference tracking for GC purposes and caching.
19   * 
20   * @author Paul Keeble
21   *
22   */
23  public interface ObjectDatabase extends ObjectSource,TypeRequestHandler {
24      /**
25       * Retrieves an object's information from the database or a local
26       * cache if the object has already been retrieved and still in memory.
27       * 
28       * @param jemmId The id of the object to retrieve.
29       * @return The object information (class type, field values etc.).
30       */
31      JEMMObject getObject(ID jemmId);
33      /**
34       * Retrieves an object's information from the database but
35       * always calls the underlying database, updating the cache.
36       *  
37       * @param jemmId The id of the object to retrieve.
38       * @return The object information (class type, field values etc.).
39       */
40      JEMMObject getRefreshedObject(ID jemmId);
42      /**
43       * Retrieves the fields of the object again from the store and updates
44       * the passed object with all the values.
45       * 
46       * This call may never be cached as its intention is to make sure
47       * everything is up to date in a locked scenario.
48       * 
49       * @param obj The object to retrieve and update
50       */
51      void refreshObject(JEMMObject obj);
53      /**
54       * Synchronise a client held object with the server.  Passing in the current client version and
55       * any updated fields this method returns the new version number of the object and any fields updated
56       * remotely (by another client).
57       * @param syncObject The object being synchronized.
58       */
59      void synchroniseObject(JEMMObject syncObject);
61      /**
62       * Set the persistent root reference to the given object.
63       * @param rootName The name of the persistent root.
64       * @param newValue The new value of the root.
65       */
66      void setRoot(String rootName,JEMMObject newValue);
68      /**
69       * Sets the persistent root reference to the given object, if the root is currently null.
70       * This is an atomic operation.
71       * @param rootName The name of the persistent root.
72       * @param newValue The new value of the root.
73       * @return The old value if it was not null, or the recently set value. 
74       */
75      JEMMObject setRootIfNull(String rootName,JEMMObject newValue);
77      /**
78       * Returns the object stored in the persistent root called 'rootName'
79       * @param rootName The name of the persistent root.
80       * @return The ID of the object stored in the persistent root, or null if none.
81       */
82      JEMMObject getRoot(String rootName);
84  	 /**
85       * Register a user class. 
86       * @param classInfo The information about the loaded user class (name/fields).
87       * @return The class id of the registered class.
88       * @throws StructureModifiedException if the class has been modified 
89       *                          and the Database does not accept the change
90       */
91      ClassId registerClass(ClassInfo classInfo) throws StructureModifiedException;
93      /**
94       * Register an enumerated type.
95       * @param enumInfo The enumeration type information
96       * @return Returns the id of the registered enum type.
97       * @throws StructureModifiedException If a modification to the enum is detected.
98       */
99      EnumId registerEnum(EnumInfo enumInfo) throws StructureModifiedException;
101     /**
102      * Asynchronous request to acquire a lock.  This method will return immediately,
103      * but the caller should wait until notified by the LockAcquiredListener callback. 
104      * @param threadId The requesting thread. 
105      * @param jemmId The id of the object to lock.
106      */
107     void acquireLock(ClientThreadId threadId,ID jemmId);
109     /**
110      * Register a lock listener
111      * @param clientId The client who is interested in their lock event notifications.
112      * @param listener The listener to register.
113      */
114     void setClientLockAcquiredListener(ClientId clientId,LockAcquiredListener listener);
116     /**
117      * Remove a lock listener
118      * @param clientId The id the the client who is no longer interested in lock events.
119      */
120     void removeLockAcquiredListener(ClientId clientId);
122     /**
123      * Release the given lock held by the thread.  
124      * @param threadId The thread currently holding the lock. 
125      * @param jemmId The id of the object to release.
126      */
127     void releaseLock(ClientThreadId threadId,ID jemmId);
129     /**
130      * Notification of a new user object creation by the client.
131      * @param classId The class id of the new object (must be previously registered).
132      * @return The ID assigned to the new object.
133      */
134     ID newObject(ClassId classId,JEMMObject obj);
136     /**
137      * Returns the class information for the given class id.
138      * @param classId The id of the held class.
139      * @return The class information for the held class.
140      */
141     ClassInfo getClassInfo(ClassId classId);
143     /**
144      * Returns the classname for the given enum type id.
145      * @param enumId The enum type id.
146      * @return The classname of the registered enum type.
147      */
148     EnumInfo getEnumInfo(EnumId enumId);
149 }