Class SuperCallConstructorTransformation

  extended by org.sourceforge.jemm.weaver.transformation.AbstractClassTransformation
      extended by org.sourceforge.jemm.weaver.transformation.AbstractShadowConstructorTransformation
          extended by org.sourceforge.jemm.weaver.transformation.SuperCallConstructorTransformation
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SuperCallConstructorTransformation
extends AbstractShadowConstructorTransformation

Adds a constructor to the class which has the following code: public $TYPE(ShadowObject so) { super(so); } This transformation must only be used on Children of already enhanced parent classes as the call requires a particular constructor to be in place on the super class already.

Paul Keeble

Constructor Summary
          Creates a SuperCallConstructorTransformation for transform constructors that call a superclass.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] dependentTransforms()
          Should return a list of the transformations that this transform requires before it can execute on a class.
 java.lang.String getBody()
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jemm.weaver.transformation.AbstractShadowConstructorTransformation
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jemm.weaver.transformation.AbstractClassTransformation
equals, getTransformationName, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SuperCallConstructorTransformation()
                                   throws javassist.NotFoundException
Creates a SuperCallConstructorTransformation for transform constructors that call a superclass.

javassist.NotFoundException - On initialisation error.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String[] dependentTransforms()
Description copied from interface: Transformation
Should return a list of the transformations that this transform requires before it can execute on a class. For the core Transformations this is equal to getClass().getSimpleName().

Specified by:
dependentTransforms in interface Transformation
Specified by:
dependentTransforms in class AbstractClassTransformation
A list of transforms that must run first.


public java.lang.String getBody()
Specified by:
getBody in class AbstractShadowConstructorTransformation

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