Class BDbStorageEngineUserLockImpl

  extended by org.sourceforge.jemm.database.persistent.berkeley.BDbStorageEngineUserLockImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BDbStorageEngineUserLockImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements StorageEngineUserLockIF

Constructor Summary
BDbStorageEngineUserLockImpl(com.sleepycat.persist.EntityStore store)
Method Summary
 void addClientLockReference(ClientThreadId clientThreadId, ID objectId)
          Add a reference from a client to the given object.
 void clearAll()
          Clear all lock information.
 java.util.Set<ClientThreadIdRef> getClientLockSet(ClientId clientId)
          Return a set of client-threads -> ids for the given client, this is the list of objects the given client is attempting to lock, or has a lock on.
 UserLockInfo getLockInfo(ID id)
          Retrieve the user lock information (lock queue) for the given id.
 void removeClientLockReference(ClientThreadId clientThreadId, ID objectId)
          Remove a reference from a client to the given object.
 void saveLockInfo(UserLockInfo info)
          Save an updated lock information.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BDbStorageEngineUserLockImpl(com.sleepycat.persist.EntityStore store)
Method Detail


public UserLockInfo getLockInfo(ID id)
Description copied from interface: StorageEngineUserLockIF
Retrieve the user lock information (lock queue) for the given id.

Specified by:
getLockInfo in interface StorageEngineUserLockIF
id - The id of the lock object.
The lock information for the given object.


public void saveLockInfo(UserLockInfo info)
Description copied from interface: StorageEngineUserLockIF
Save an updated lock information.

Specified by:
saveLockInfo in interface StorageEngineUserLockIF
info - The update lock information to save.


public void clearAll()
Description copied from interface: StorageEngineUserLockIF
Clear all lock information. This includes both UserLockInfo instances and client lock information. This is generally performed at startup to ensure any old locks from previous sessions have been removed.

Specified by:
clearAll in interface StorageEngineUserLockIF


public void addClientLockReference(ClientThreadId clientThreadId,
                                   ID objectId)
Description copied from interface: StorageEngineUserLockIF
Add a reference from a client to the given object.

Specified by:
addClientLockReference in interface StorageEngineUserLockIF
clientThreadId - The target client thread
objectId - The object being referenced.


public java.util.Set<ClientThreadIdRef> getClientLockSet(ClientId clientId)
Description copied from interface: StorageEngineUserLockIF
Return a set of client-threads -> ids for the given client, this is the list of objects the given client is attempting to lock, or has a lock on.

Specified by:
getClientLockSet in interface StorageEngineUserLockIF
clientId - The target client id.
The set of ids and client threads which are attempting to acquire them for the given client.


public void removeClientLockReference(ClientThreadId clientThreadId,
                                      ID objectId)
Description copied from interface: StorageEngineUserLockIF
Remove a reference from a client to the given object.

Specified by:
removeClientLockReference in interface StorageEngineUserLockIF
clientThreadId - The target client.
objectId - The object being referenced.

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