Package org.sourceforge.jemm.comm.shared

Interface Summary
RPCHandlerListener Trivial interface to allow RPCHandler users to be notified when a client connection disconnects.

Class Summary
AvailableIFsMessage Initialisation message used by RPCHandler listing the interfaces available for call by the sender.
ErrorMessage A class representing an error returned by the server.
IFUtilities Utility methods for interface handling.
Message A sendable message.
RPCCallMessage The RPCCallMessage details an RPC call, giving information about the calling thread, target interface,method arguments and whether the call is synchronous or asynchronous.
RPCHandler RPCHandler is used to implement the shared logic used by both org.sourceforge.jemm.comm.server.RPCClient and RPCServer.
RPCProxyHandler RPCProxyHandler is used to implement the proxy handling behind the supported remote interfaces.
ServerReadyMessage Initialisation message used by RPCHandler listing the interfaces available for call by the sender.
ThreadUtil Utility methods for thread.

Annotation Types Summary
AsynchronousCall Annotation of asynchronous void methods for shared interfaces.
SynchronousCall Annotation of synchronous void methods for shared interfaces.

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