Class TrackedIDFactoryImpl

  extended by org.sourceforge.jemm.client.shared.WeakSingletonFactory<ID,TrackedID>
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TrackedIDFactoryImpl
extends WeakSingletonFactory<ID,TrackedID>
implements TrackedIDFactory

A Factory which creates a Flyweight of TrackedIDs such that two different ID objects, new ID(1) and new ID(1) will both map to the same TrackedID(1) object. This is flyweight like pattern is used to allow reliable tracking of IDs on the client side such that when an ID is no longer being used the server can be told that this client is no longer holding a reference to an object with that ID or the ID itself for some purpose. It is important that TrackedID's never get created any other way than via this Factory, and that normal ID instances do not get into the ShadowObject. This class is thread safe.

Paul Keeble

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Set<TrackedIDListener> listeners
Fields inherited from class org.sourceforge.jemm.client.shared.WeakSingletonFactory
keysToWeakRefs, queue, queueListener, refsToKeys
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new Factory with no ids mapped
Method Summary
 void addListener(TrackedIDListener listener)
          Adds a listener which receives notification if a trackedID is enqueued for garbage collection.
protected  TrackedID createValue(ID id)
protected  void notifyExpired(ID id)
 void removeListener(TrackedIDListener listener)
          Removes the listener
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jemm.client.shared.WeakSingletonFactory
contains, create, get, put, remove, shutdown, size
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
contains, create, get, remove

Field Detail


protected final java.util.Set<TrackedIDListener> listeners
Constructor Detail


public TrackedIDFactoryImpl()
Creates a new Factory with no ids mapped

Method Detail


protected void notifyExpired(ID id)
Specified by:
notifyExpired in class WeakSingletonFactory<ID,TrackedID>


public void addListener(TrackedIDListener listener)
Description copied from interface: TrackedIDFactory
Adds a listener which receives notification if a trackedID is enqueued for garbage collection.

Specified by:
addListener in interface TrackedIDFactory


public void removeListener(TrackedIDListener listener)
Description copied from interface: TrackedIDFactory
Removes the listener

Specified by:
removeListener in interface TrackedIDFactory


protected TrackedID createValue(ID id)
Specified by:
createValue in class WeakSingletonFactory<ID,TrackedID>

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