This document is a guide to getting a simple JEMM based project up and running using Maven. Unique id generation among a group of processes can be painful and error prone, typically relying on an underlying database to achieve. This example demonstrates a persistent thread-safe counter. In part two we will build on this example to show how it can be used by multiple processes simultaneously.
Use maven to create a project.
mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.test -DartifactId=jemm-app
Edit jemm-app/pom.xml add the below dependency
<dependency> <groupId>org.sourceforge.jemm</groupId> <artifactId>jemm</artifactId> <version>0.1</version> </dependency>
Because the 0.1 release is not yet in the main Maven repository you will also have to add the JEMM repository to your pom:
<repositories> <repository> <id>jemm-repo</id> <url></url> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots> </repository> </repositories>
Update src/main/java/com/test/ as follows:
package com.test; import; import org.sourceforge.jemm.PersistentStore; import org.sourceforge.jemm.Session; import org.sourceforge.jemm.Store; public class App { public static void main( String[] args ) { Store store = new PersistentStore(new File(args[0])); Session.setStore(store); Counter counter = (Counter) Session.getRoot("counter"); if(counter == null) { counter = new Counter(); counter = (Counter)Session.setRootIfNull("counter", counter); } for(int i=0;i<100;i++) counter.incrementCount(); System.out.println("Counter=" + counter.getCount()); Session.shutdown(); } }
Create src/main/java/com/test/ as follows:
package com.test; import org.sourceforge.jemm.Entity; @Entity public class Counter { private int count = 0; public synchronized void incrementCount() { count++; } public synchronized int getCount() { return count; } }
mvn install
First export the classpath from maven:
mvn dependency:build-classpath
Export the classpath so java can see it, and take note of where the JEMM library is. This library is needed to be passed (as well as in the classpath) as a javaagent parameter to the java runtime.
Before you run the application first create a directory for the persistent data to be stored:
> mkdir rundata
Then run the application with the below command:
> java -javaagent:<path to jemm jar> com.test.App rundata e.g. > java -javaagent:~/.m2/repo/org/sourceforge/jemm/jemm/0.1-SNAPSHOT/jemm-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar App rundata
So this example is running a persistent thread-safe counter. Re-running it increments the counter further.
Currently the persistence is being managed by the user process, so although thread-safe it is not currently process safe. Part 2 expands on this example and shows you how to run a JEMM Server instance and share the counter between multiple processes.